Unifying Concepts for Ion-Induced Leakage Current Degradation in Silicon Carbide Schottky Power Diodes
Johnson, R. A., Witulski, A. F., Ball, D. R., Galloway, K. F., Sternberg, A. L., Reed, R. A., Schrimpf, R. D., Alles, J. M., Lauenstein, J. M., Javanainen, A., Raman, A., Chakraborty, P. S., & Arslanbekov, R.R. (2020). Unifying Concepts for Ion-Induced Leakage Current Degradation in Silicon Carbide Schottky Power Diodes. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 67(1), 135-139. https://doi.org/10.1109/TNS.2019.2947866
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IEEE Transactions on Nuclear ScienceTekijät
© 2019 IEEE.
The onset of ion-induced reverse leakage current in SiC Schottky diodes is shown to depend on material properties, ion LET, and bias during irradiation, but not the voltage rating of the parts. This is demonstrated experimentally for devices from multiple manufacturers with voltage ratings from 600 V to 1700 V. Using a device with a higher breakdown voltage than required in the application does not provide increased robustness related to leakage current degradation, compared to using a device with a lower voltage rating.
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This work was supported by an Early Stage Innovations grant from NASA’s Space Technology Research Grants Program, grant number NNX17AD09G, with additional support from the NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging Program and NASA Phase II SBIR with CFDRC Corporation, Subcontract 2016052Lisenssi
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