Jyväskylä University Digital Repository
JYX contains digital materials of University of Jyväskylä from master's and licentiate theses to dissertations and from digitized journals to originally electronic materials. The majority of the collection is openly available. There may, however, be also some restricted items as well.
JYX sites
JYX sites collect and display parts of JYX materials. Separate sites detached from JYX allow thematic exhibitions without limitations of digital archive software.

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TAITURIT -tutkimuksen yksityiskohtainen tutkimusaineistokuvaus ja dokumentaatio
(University of Jyväskylä, 2025)Tämä julkaisu sisältää yksityiskohtaisen metadatakuvauksen ja dokumentaation TAITURIT -tutkimuksen tutkimusaineistosta. -
Taidot, sosiaalinen tuki ja liikunta-aktiivisuus – TAITURIT-tutkimuksen aineisto
(University of Jyväskylä, 2025)Fyysinen inaktiivisuus on yleistä jo lapsuudessa ja sen määrä lisääntyy edelleen iän myötä. Inaktiivisuuden lisääntyessä myös terveysriskit kasvavat. Pitkittäisasetelmaan perustuva TAITURIT-tutkimus testaa fyysiseen ... -
Sobolev and BV functions on RCD spaces via the short-time behavior of the heat kernel
(World Scientific, 2024)In the setting of finite-dimensional RCD(K,N) spaces, we characterize the p-Sobolev spaces for p∈(1,∞) and the space of functions of bounded variation in terms of the short-time behavior of the heat flow. Moreover, we prove ... -
Investigating outdoor education in Finland and Australia : positioning outdoor education as curriculum
(Springer, 2025)Outdoor education is often missing in formal curriculum, especially in primary education. With our experience living and working in Finland and Australia, we investigated this situation, revealing important similarities ... -
Impact and perceptions of Active Learning Classrooms on reducing sedentary behaviour and improving physical and mental health and academic indicators in children and adolescents : A scoping review
(Public Library of Science, 2025)Prolonged sitting in school harms children’s physical and mental health and reduces the ability to focus on classroom tasks. ’Active Learning Classrooms’ (ALCs) aim to decrease sitting time, following current pedagogical ...