The context of second foreign languages in Swedish secondary schools : results of a questionnaire to school leaders
Granfeldt, J., Sayehli, S. & Ågren, M. (2019). The context of second foreign languages in Swedish secondary schools : results of a questionnaire to school leaders. Apples : Journal of Applied Language Studies, 13 (1), 27-48. doi:10.17011/apples/urn.201903011688
Published in
Apples : Journal of Applied Language StudiesDate
© Authors, 2019
This article reports the results of a survey focusing on the educational context of
second foreign languages (SFL) to which 147 Swedish secondary school leaders
responded. The study aims to provide a picture of how SFLs like German, French and
Spanish are organised in a representative selection of Swedish schools across the
country. The results of the survey show that there are major differences between
languages when it comes to the language offer and the number of pupils and teachers
in the respective languages. Moreover, there are also important differences between
schools, some of which can be related to educational, socio-economic and regional
aspects of the responding schools. A general conclusion of the survey is that
conditions for SFLs currently vary across languages and across the country. One of
the main challenges for the future seems to be to maintain a varying offer of
languages in a majority of schools.
Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of JyväskyläISSN Search the Publication Forum
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