Developmental Perspectives on Transitions at Age 60 : Individuals Navigating Across the Lifespan (TRAILS) – latest data collection in a longitudinal JYLS study
Kokko, K., Fadjukoff, P., Reinilä, E., Ahola, J., Kinnunen, M.-L., Kroger, J., Laakkonen, E. K., Pitkänen, T., Pulkkinen, L., Rantanen, T., Staudinger, U. M., Taipale, S., Törmäkangas, T., Kekäläinen, T., & Saajanaho, M. (2024). Developmental Perspectives on Transitions at Age 60 : Individuals Navigating Across the Lifespan (TRAILS) – latest data collection in a longitudinal JYLS study. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 15(2), 251-281.
Published in
Longitudinal and Life Course StudiesAuthors
Aktiivisena ikääntyminen ja hoivaFyysinen aktiivisuus eliniän aikanaYhteiskuntapolitiikkaGerontologia ja kansanterveysPsykologiaIkääntymisen ja hoivan tutkimuksen huippuyksikköHyvinvoinnin ja hoivan politiikat (painoala)Hyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisöGerontologian tutkimuskeskusActive ageing and carePhysical activity through life spanSocial and Public PolicyGerontology and Public HealthPsychologyCentre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and CarePolicies and Politics of Welfare and Care (focus area)School of WellbeingGerontology Research CenterCopyright
© 2024 the Authors
At around age 60, people are approaching late adulthood and are typically going through or anticipating life transitions such as grandparenthood, retirement, or changes in health and functioning. The timing and perception of transitions are individual and based on current circumstances and earlier life history and may link to well-being. The TRAILS (Developmental Psychological Perspectives on Transitions at Age 60: Individuals Navigating Across the Lifespan) study, which is presented in the current article, examines the diversity and underlying factors of different transitions at around age 60 and how they associate with mental well-being. It also investigates whether these transitions link to personality characteristics, contextual resources, and/or societal challenges. The role of earlier life history in the studied associations requires a prospective multiwave design where the same participants are followed over time. Only a few longitudinal studies have examined the developmental pathways from childhood to the beginning of late adulthood.
The TRAILS study continues the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS). The JYLS was initiated in 1968 and includes earlier data collected from ages 8 to 50. At age 61, in 2020–21, 206 of the JYLS participants (of the initial 369 children) took part in TRAILS. The data collection included a Life Situation Questionnaire, a psychological interview, self-report inventories, a health examination and physical activity surveillance covering major areas of adult life. TRAILS extends the JYLS study to over 52 years of follow-up time and provides unique opportunities for studying individual development throughout the lifespan.
Bristol University PressISSN Search the Publication Forum
Dataset(s) related to the publication
Kokko, Katja; Saajanaho, Milla; Kekäläinen, Tiia; Reinilä, Emmi; Ahola, Johanna. Developmental Psychological Perspectives on Transitions at Age 60: Individuals Navigating Across the Lifespan (TRAILS). V. 2.7.2022. University of Jyväskylä.Publication in research information system
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Research Council of FinlandFunding program(s)
Academy Project, AoFAdditional information about funding
Developmental Psychological Perspectives on Transitions at Age 60: Individuals Navigating Across the Lifespan (TRAILS), which covers the most recent data collection of the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS), was funded by the Academy of Finland project funding (No. 323541) for 2019–23. Over the years, the Academy of Finland has been the major funder of the JYLS, through its Centre of Excellence on Human Development and Its Risk Factors funding in 1997–2005 and project funding in 1974, 1979 and 1986–2013. ...License
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