Developing and Implementing a Global Citizenship Based Curriculum
Hubbard, I., Torroledo, J., Koistinen, H.-M. & Kantelinen, R. (2022). Developing and Implementing a Global Citizenship Based Curriculum. Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta, 13(4).
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Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskuntaDate
© Kieliverkosto ja kirjoittajat, 2022
This article describes the theory and practical application of developing a global citizenship education curriculum at the University of Eastern Finland’s (UEF) Teacher Training Schools through a joint project between the schools and UEF School of Applied Educational Science and Teacher Education. The project From the School-path to the Global Citizen’s Highway was started in March of 2021 and is planned to continue through the end of 2022. It is funded by UEF and the Finnish National Agency for Education. Language awareness and global citizenship education have been at the core of the project.
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