"Was very father" : Mexican high-school students' perspectives of Project-based Language Learning
2019Project-based Learning (PjBL) is often described in the literature (e.g., Al-Balushi and Al-
Aamri, 2014; Karaçalli and Korur, 2014; etc.) as an educational model that works. Despite
the substantial number of studies on the model, little has been done in the way of
exploring students’ perspectives of the use of PjBL in English language classrooms. Such
a reality is especially true in secondary education contexts in Latin American countries.
This thesis reports on an original research study conducted to assess students’
perspectives of Project-based Language Learning (PBLL) in three public high schools in
the state Jalisco, in Mexico. The study’s main objectives were to uncover learners’ value
judgements about their PjBL experience; to determine the perceived outcomes of that
learning event, and; to identify factors contributing to or hindering learning in that
context. Qualitative data was collected (n=456) by means of survey, following the
implementation of an eight-week pilot, after which thematic analysis was used to analyze
the responses.
Main research findings show that learners predominantly view their PBLL
experience positively and find that PBLL helps them develop not only language, but also
content and competencies. The study also found that acknowledging people as resources,
promoting interaction through group work, and actively using the language are
understood to be practices conducive to learning, whilst having limited time and having
peers with negative attitudes/different ideas are believed to hinder learning. Such
findings are in line with those of existing literature (e.g., Mali, 2017; Miller, Hefner and
Fun, 2012) and shed light on the complexity of learning, in addition to providing valuable
evidence to further support the claim that PjBL lends itself well to CLIL education.
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