Learning, teaching and assessment of second foreign languages in Swedish lower secondary school – dilemmas and prospects
Bardel, C., Erickson, G. & Österberg, R. (2019). Learning, teaching and assessment of second foreign languages in Swedish lower secondary school – dilemmas and prospects. Apples : Journal of Applied Language Studies, 13 (1), 7-26. doi:10.17011/apples/urn.201903011687
Published in
Apples : Journal of Applied Language StudiesDate
© Authors, 2019
This paper presents an overview of second foreign language (SFL) education in
Sweden, especially at lower secondary level. It offers a survey of the historical
development of the study of other languages than English as well as a reflection over
the current state of the subject. Currently, there is a shortage of research on the
circumstances and conditions of the learning, teaching and assessment of the
Swedish school subject Modern languages, as well as on young people’s proficiency
in other languages than English in Sweden. In order to contribute to a knowledge
base for further research, the current paper reviews work considering the Swedish
context concerning: a) frame factors, policy issues and organization of SFL studies
b) attitudes towards plurilingualism and SFL motivation, c) teacher education and
recruitment policies, and d) levels of attainment at the end of compulsory school.
Throughout the paper, the European context is also taken into account. The paper
ends with a discussion of the general status of the subject Modern languages in
Swedish school and society, the fact that this subject is not mandatory, and the
consistently high dropout rate that characterizes the current situation.
Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of JyväskyläISSN Search the Publication Forum
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