Peilikäs raanu as a mirror
Lonkila, H. (2005). Peilikäs raanu as a mirror. Nordisk museologi, 2005(2), 114-119.
Published in
Nordisk museologiAuthors
© Lonkila, 2005.
Helena Lonkila works as a researcher-conservator at the Kainuu Museum. This article
is based on the thesis of the same name that the author wrote for her master’s degree.
She is thus the first person in Finland to have an MA with museology as the
main subject. The paper was published by the Department of Art and Culture Studies,
University of Jyväskylä, Culture, Science and Technology Master’s Programme and the
Kainuu Museum in January 2005. The publication is available in Finnish at
Umeå universitetISSN Search the Publication Forum
1103-8152Publication in research information system
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