Momentum-space structure of surface states in a topological semimetal with a nexus point of Dirac lines
Hyart, T., & Heikkilä, T. (2016). Momentum-space structure of surface states in a topological semimetal with a nexus point of Dirac lines. Physical Review B, 93(23), Article 235147.
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Physical Review BPäivämäärä
© 2016 American Physical Society. Published in this repository with the kind permission of the publisher.
Three-dimensional topological semimetals come in different variants, either containing Weyl points or Dirac lines. Here we describe a more complicated momentum-space topological defect where several separate Dirac lines connect with each other, forming a momentum-space equivalent of the real-space nexus considered before for helium-3. Close to the nexus the Dirac lines exhibit a transition from type I to type II lines. We consider a general model of stacked honeycomb lattices with the symmetry of Bernal (AB) stacked graphite and show that the structural mirror symmetries in such systems protect the presence of the Dirac lines, and also naturally lead to the formation of the nexus. By the bulk-boundary correspondence of topological media, the presence of Dirac lines lead to the formation of drumhead surface states at the side surfaces of the system. We calculate the surface state spectrum, and especially illustrate the effect of the nexus on these states.
American Physical SocietyISSN Hae Julkaisufoorumista
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This work was supported by the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence program (Project No. 284594) and the European Research Council (Grant No. 240362-Heattronics).Samankaltainen aineisto
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