English songs in support of the linguistic development of elementary students in Finland
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In this thesis, I will discuss how music supports language learning in elementary school students, specifically learning English as a second language in Finland. I will discuss a child’s development and how language learning relates to that, music’s potential as a pedagogical tool in
language education, and how the aforementioned is recognized in the national primary education curriculum. This thesis is a literature review, in which I will review previous research, articles, and books on the topic.
Music enhances learning and it is relevant to discuss music’s potential in support of language
learning. I will discuss features of speech that are shared by music and language and how that relates to singing and language learning. The focus of the thesis is on primary school students' language learning; however, a child’s development in relation to language learning is an essential concept to understand as a teacher, and therefore, I will discuss development from birth to
school age. The national primary education curriculum is an integral part of education in Finland and, therefore, I will discuss it.
Research has shown that music supports language learning, specifically spoken communication. Singing improves the features of speech, which are rhythm, intonation, and stress. In addition,
through music, language learners can gain the courage to express themselves. Music has a wide potential to enhance learning in many ways. Nevertheless, the national primary education curriculum has very little mention or encouragement to use music in language education. I propose more research to be done on the topic because this topic has relevance currently due to the internalization of the world.
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- Kandidaatintutkielmat [5291]
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