Technology Comprehension : Combining computing, design, and societal reflection as a national subject
Tuhkala, A., Wagner, M.-L., Iversen, O. S., & Kärkkäinen, T. (2019). Technology Comprehension : Combining computing, design, and societal reflection as a national subject. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 20, 54-63.
Julkaistu sarjassa
International Journal of Child-Computer InteractionPäivämäärä
© 2019 The Authors.
This article considers the implementation of a new learning subject ”Technology Comprehension” into lower secondary schools in Denmark, as part of an initiative by the Danish Ministry of Education. The subject consists of learning objectives related to computing, design, and societal reflection and was first introduced as an elective course in 13 schools to investigate how it could be integrated into the Danish education system. We present four key findings based on school visits, interviews, an electronical survey, two questionnaires, and workshops including theme discussions: (1) teachers did not perceive Technology Comprehension as a distinct subject, but rather as a set of skills that can be integrated into other subjects; (2) teachers pointed out that Technology Comprehension opens up for interdisciplinary and engaging learning activities, but they need more scaffolding and support; (3) Technology Comprehension challenges teachers’ existing competencies and there is a need for a framework that takes into account computing, design, and societal reflection as a whole; (4) Technology Comprehension appealed to various kind of students, not only those who are enthusiastic about technical matters. This study contributes to the previous research on making and digital fabrication by addressing how these endeavours are implemented on a national level through engaging with local teachers. We call for more research on scaffolding and supporting teachers to orchestrate meaningful learning activities to successfully integrate Technology Comprehension into the Danish national education.

Elsevier BVISSN Hae Julkaisufoorumista
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