Electrodermal activity in couple therapy for intimate partner violence
Paananen, K., Vaununmaa, R., Holma, J., Karvonen, A., Kykyri, V.-L., Tsatsishvili, V., Kaartinen, J., Penttonen, M., & Seikkula, J. (2018). Electrodermal activity in couple therapy for intimate partner violence. Contemporary Family Therapy, 40(2), 138-152. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10591-017-9442-x
Published in
Contemporary Family TherapyAuthors
TietotekniikkaPsykologiaMonitieteinen aivotutkimuskeskusHyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisöMathematical Information TechnologyPsychologyCentre for Interdisciplinary Brain ResearchSchool of WellbeingCopyright
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017. This is a final draft version of an article whose final and definitive form has been published by Springer. Published in this repository with the kind permission of the publisher.
The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which intimate partner violence (IPV) is discussed in couple therapy, what the participants say about it and how, and how the participants’ electrodermal activity (EDA) is activated during these discussions. We studied four couples for whom IPV was an issue in dialog with their therapists. We used thematic analysis and examined the differences in EDA (measured as skin conductance responses, SCRs) between the participants. We found that although IPV was discussed relatively little in therapy, when the topic arose the victims took an active part in the discussion. We also found that the main themes were descriptions of IPV, explanations for IPV and the consequences of IPV, and that most of the SCR peaks occurred during talk on these themes. Moreover, differences were observed between participants in the frequency of peaks, therapists manifesting more peaks than clients. However, the overall proportions of the peaks were rather small, and no difference in mean SCR was found between victims, perpetrators or therapists. These results indicate that victims are not afraid to speak about IPV and that therapists are able to deal with it; however, dealing with IPV in therapy merits more attention. Moreover, our results showed that the participants experienced talking about IPV differently, an observation that should be taken into account in the therapy process.
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