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dc.contributor.authorMykkänen, Markus
dc.description.abstractThis doctoral dissertation investigates the contribution of public relations professionals to organisational decision-making processes and autopoiesis of organisations. The research approach utilises Niklas Luhmann’s functional method approach, regarded as an observational tool to create a distinction between problems and solutions. The research progresses through three parts: Part 1, the preliminary empirical work; Part 2, insights gained from academic articles and reports, and Part 3, empirical work on the perceptions of professionals. This qualitative, content-oriented, interpretive research approach concludes that public relations (PR) is a responsive, managing and adapting function in organisational decision making. In addition to responsibilities in gathering, interpreting and distributing of information, PR professionals counsel, manage the process, and implement the outcomes of decision-making processes. Overall, PR contributes to decision making and autopoiesis, the self-production of organisations on three levels: operational, tactical and strategic. As a central conclusion, this dissertation presents a model to clarify the contribution of PR to organisational decision making. This autopoiesis contribution model emphasises the internal operations of organisations and describes how PR as a reflective function contributes through various decision- making strategies. The results of the studies and the model provide a foundation for a better understanding of PR’s function in organisational decision making and further enable professionals to support organisational autopoiesis.
dc.format.extent1 verkkoaineisto (101 sivua, 81 sivua useina numerointijaksoina, 6 numeroimatonta sivua) : kuvitettu
dc.publisherUniversity of Jyväskylä
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJyväskylä studies in humanities
dc.relation.haspart<b>Artikkeli I:</b> Mykkänen, M., & Tampere, K. (2014). Organizational Decision Making: The Luhmannian Decision Communication Perspective. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 5 (4), 131-146. </i><a href=" http://jbsq.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/June_2014_10.pdf"target="_blank"> http://jbsq.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/June_2014_10.pdf.</a>
dc.relation.haspart<b>Artikkeli II:</b> Mykkänen, M. and Vos, M. (2015). The Contribution of Public Relations to Organizational Decision Making: Insights from the Literature. Public Relations Journal, 9(2). </i><a href=" http://www.prsa.org/Intelligence/PRJournal/Vol9/No2/"target="_blank"> http://www.prsa.org/Intelligence/PRJournal/Vol9/No2.</a>
dc.relation.haspart<b>Artikkeli III:</b> Mykkänen, M. and Vos, M. (2014), Clarifying the role of communication experts in CBRN terrorism crises. Report project CATO, 12.12.2014, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. </i><a href=" http://www.crisiscommunication.fi/images/tec/CBRN-scorecard-Report2-Mykkanen.pdf"target="_blank"> http://www.crisiscommunication.fi/images/tec/CBRN-scorecard-Report2-Mykkanen.pdf.</a>
dc.relation.haspart<b>Artikkeli IV:</b> Mykkänen, M. (2016). Communication Professionals and Organisational Decision-Making : A Finnish Study of Practitioner Roles. In P. S. Brønn, S. Romenti, & A. Zerfass (Eds.), The Management Game of Communication (pp. 143-161). Advances in Public Relations and Communication Management, 1. Emerald Group Publishing. </i><a href=" http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/S2398-391420160000001008"target="_blank"> DOI: 10.1108/S2398-391420160000001008.</a>
dc.relation.haspart<b>Artikkeli V:</b>Mykkänen, M. (2017). Clarifying Communication Professionals’ Tasks In Contributing To Organizational Decision Making. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, 4 (5), 3460-3468. </i><a href=" http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ijsshi/v4i5.01"target="_blank"> DOI: 10.18535/ijsshi/v4i5.01.</a>
dc.relation.haspart<b>Artikkeli VI:</b> Markus Mykkänen , , Marita Vos , (2017), Clarifying Skills and Competencies in Organisational Decision Making – Perceptions of Finnish Communication Professionals, in Betteke Van Ruler , Iekje Smit , Øyvind Ihlen , Stefania Romenti (ed.) How Strategic Communication Shapes Value and Innovation in Society (Advances in Public Relations and Communication Management, Volume 2) Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.143 - 158. </i><a href=" http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/S2398-391420170000002007"target="_blank"> DOI: 10.1108/S2398-391420170000002007.</a>
dc.relation.isversionofJulkaistu myös painettuna.
dc.rightsIn Copyright
dc.subject.otherLuhmann, Niklas
dc.subject.otherdecision making
dc.subject.otherpublic relations
dc.titleThe contribution of public relations to organisational decision making and autopoiesis of organisations : the perspective of the Luhmannian social system paradigm
dc.type.ontasotDoctoral dissertationen
dc.contributor.tiedekuntaHumanistis-yhteiskuntatieteellinen tiedekuntafi
dc.contributor.yliopistoUniversity of Jyväskyläen
dc.contributor.yliopistoJyväskylän yliopistofi
dc.subject.ysososiaalinen järjestelmä

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