Nyelvi képzés a finn egyetemeken a közelmúlt oktatáspolitikai változásainak tükrében I. rész
Karoly, A. (2017). Nyelvi képzés a finn egyetemeken a közelmúlt oktatáspolitikai változásainak tükrében I. rész. Modern Nyelvoktatás, 23(2-3), 66-75. http://www.tintakiado.hu/book_detail.php?id=580
Published in
Modern NyelvoktatásAuthors
© Karoly & Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2017.
2017:9 | 2018:165 | 2019:20 | 2020:50 | 2021:21 | 2022:27 | 2023:31 | 2024:36 | 2025:3
In addition to Finnish and the co-official Swedish language, bachelor’s students in Finnish
higher education are required by law to take language and communication studies. This twopart
paper, published here and in the next issue, focuses on these mandatory language and
communication studies at Finnish universities. The first part offers a broad overview of the
most recent changes in Finnish educational policy. It outlines the most relevant legislative
measures, presents the rationale behind them and looks at the initial responses from those
most directly concerned. The second part, published in the next issue, approaches the topic
from the perspective of pedagogical practice, and presents a concrete example of a Finnish
university which has responded to the latest developments in an innovative way.
Besides the prolonged economic recession, Finland is currently undergoing a gradual social
transformation and is becoming increasingly multicultural and multilingual, particularly in
urban areas. These trends have far-reaching consequences on language planning and
education. As a response to the recent economic and social changes, the government has
introduced a range of reforms, which have important repercussions also on language learning
and teaching at universities. The changes in the national higher education policy have sparked
mixed reactions and have led to heated public debates, while higher educational institutions –
being responsible for the curriculum of their degree programmes – are trying to adapt to the
changes in their own ways. The Finnish national and institutional policies and pedagogical
approaches can serve as interesting and stimulating examples not only for Hungarian
educational researchers and policy-makers but also for practicing language teachers in higher
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http://www.tintakiado.hu/book_detail.php?id=580Publication in research information system
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