Child-centred curriculum leadership for the subject of English in Ethiopian primary schools
2017According to Serbessa (2006) there is a tension between Western pedagogy, in particular child-centred learning, and traditional Ethiopian approaches to teaching. In this study, this tension is examined through the teaching methods used and the resources teachers have at their disposal. The teachers are herein viewed as curriculum leaders, contrasting with the preconception that managers are leaders of a curriculum (Hannay & Seller, 1991). By adopting the educator’s perspective, leadership will be explored from the position of how teachers apply the English syllabus under a curriculum demanding child-centred learning, when teaching English in a state and private international school. Comparisons were made between schools, though mainly overall findings were collected as a phenomena-based inquiry through interviews conducted with 10 teachers, 5 from a state school and 5 from a private school. Richards’ (2013) definitions of forward, backward and central design are considered in the context of the Ethiopian classroom from previous research and from interview responses. Also, the overall purpose of studying English was examined as an influencing factor on the way in which English is taught in primary school. This addresses the need for English academically and vocationally as well as its use as a medium of instruction in high school. Interviews revealed the various pressures on teachers from the perspectives of the purpose of English teaching and the expected methods of instruction against the available resources. The overall implications deal with how curriculum leaders within the school could implement strategies to deal with the various pressures associated with limited resources and the demands regarding the method of teaching as well as what the English language syllabus should provide.

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