Fabrication and Modelling of Three-Dimensional Sub-kelvin Phononic Crystals
Isotalo, T., Tian, Y., & Maasilta, I. (2012). Fabrication and Modelling of Three-Dimensional Sub-kelvin Phononic Crystals. In 26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26) 10–17 August 2011, Beijing, China (pp. 52007). Institute of Physics. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 400. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/400/5/052007
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Journal of Physics: Conference SeriesDate
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We have investigated the fabrication and computational modelling of threedimensional
phononic crystals for the observation of full band gaps for thermal phonons
at sub-kelvin temperatures. Self-assembled arrays of monodisperse polystyrene nanospheres
have been fabricated using a vertical deposition technique. Optimal conditions
for increasing crystal domain size and crystalline quality have been studied. In addition,
the phononic band structure has been computed using the finite element method for the
simple cubic lattice. The dependence of band structure on contact area between spheres
has also been studied. For small enough contact area a large band gap is observed,
predicting a strong influence on sub-Kelvin thermal transport.
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International Conference on Low Temperature PhysicsIs part of publication
26th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT26) 10–17 August 2011, Beijing, ChinaISSN Search the Publication Forum
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