What Students Think About Game-Themed CS1
Lakanen, A.-J., & Lappalainen, V. (2014). What Students Think About Game-Themed CS1. In M. Koskela, & K. Heikkinen (Eds.), Yhdistetyt tietojenkäsittelypäivät 2014 = Federated Computer Science Event 2014 : 3.-4.6.2014 Lappeenranta, Finland (pp. 19-22). Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto. LUT Scientific and Expertise publications. Tutkimusraportit, 24.
2014There has been rising academic interest in including computer game
programming in CS1 curriculum during the past years, and many
experience reports exist on the topic. Still, there is a need for knowledge
on student reception, that is, how the students themselves view
the game theme on a CS1 course. In this paper we review our CS1
course feedback from the years 2008–2013, of which three first
years were carried out without games, while the latter three years
part of our weekly assignments, plus a bigger course assignment,
have been “game-themed”. We found that over 90 % found contextualization
through games fun, motivating or rewarding in some
other way. Less than 10%of the respondents have somewhat a negative
overtone about the course theme. At the same time, dropout
rate has declined more than 12 percentage points.
Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopistoParent publication ISBN
Yhdistetyt tietojenkäsittelypäivätIs part of publication
Yhdistetyt tietojenkäsittelypäivät 2014 = Federated Computer Science Event 2014 : 3.-4.6.2014 Lappeenranta, FinlandISSN Search the Publication Forum
2243-3376Publication in research information system
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