Aineistot 41-60 / 260

    • From the Editors: Varied Perspectives on Social Sustainability 

      Heikkinen, Suvi; Siltaoja, Marjo; Riivari, Elina; Malin, Virpi; Fougére, Martin; Solitander, Nikodemus (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2018)
    • Johtaminen ja tarinankerronta organisaatioissa digitaalisessa vallankumouksessa 

      Auvinen, Tommi (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2017)
      Digitalization is the most recent and still ongoing industrial revolution, which challenges the traditional leadership theories while also organizational storytelling needs to be revised. This article summarizes the ...
    • Kuntaorganisaation viranhaltijoiden ja poliitikkojen valmistelutyö fantasiointina 

      Kokko, Tuomas; Auvinen, Tommi; Sajasalo, Pasi (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2017)
      Both the management and decisionmaking in municipal organizations may be characterized as tensional. Previous scholarly work has tried to identify (cf. Haveri, 2010; Luomala, 2003) and solve (Pynnönen, 2015) some of ...
    • Social Entrepreneurship Discourses and Contributions : A Literature Analysis 

      Wang, Qian; Aaltio, Iiris (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2017)
      Differing from traditional type of entrepreneurship (i.e. business/ commercial entrepreneurship), social entrepreneurship embeds social value creation as its main objective. Recently, social entrepreneurship research ...
    • ROSCAs Role in Facilitating Control to the Unbanked : Evidence from Pakistan 

      Kamran, Sohail (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2017)
      This study investigated the role of Rotating savings and credit association ''ROSCA'' in allowing unbanked consumers to control and manage their routine financial matters and assessed the consequences of the ...
    • Shared Value and Philanthropy: the Potential Role of Corporate Foundations 

      Minciullo, Marco (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2016)
      This paper deals with the topic of research of Corporate Foundations (CFs), aiming at stressing how these organization have been studied so far, and how it could be possible to reconsider their role in the domain of ...
    • The Role of Charisma in Accounting Change 

      Pajunen, Kati; Virtanen, Aila (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2016)
      According to Max Weber charisma will be applied to a certain quality of individual of which he is considered extraordinary and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman or at least specifically exceptional powers ...
    • Leadership and Ethical Decision Making among Mauritian Managers 

      Ah-Kion, Jennifer; Bhowon, Uma (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2017)
      It is proposed that transformational leadership is likely to be associated with higher ethical decision making, while transactional leadership should be related to lower ethical decision making. However, little empirical ...
    • Driving Mechanism of Corporate Social Responsibility in United States and Mainland China 

      Wang, Fenghua; Lam, Monica; Varshney, Sanjay (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2017)
      This paper empirically explored the driving factors of corporate social responsibility (CSR) using survey data from USA and China.Based on the results from a Web survey of more than 400 executives from a diversified sample ...
    • Employees Resistance Within a Knowledge Intensive Firm 

      Lamproulis, Dimitris (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2016)
      The purpose of this article is to provide an empirical basis for understanding the issue of resistance within knowledge intensive firms. The paper initially provides a theoretical investigation identifying the research ...
    • Using Spiritual Intelligence to Transform Organisational Cultures 

      McGhee, Peter; Grant, Patricia (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2017)
      Recently spirituality has become a viable topic of discussion for management scholars seeking a means to enhance work cultures and improve organisational effectiveness. However, the path from spirituality to transforming ...
    • Corporate social responsibility (CSR) services: What are public relations agencies selling? 

      Tam, Lisa (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2016)
      Different discourse communities have associated corporate social responsibility (CSR) with different meanings. Because of the lack of a universal definition, organizations could attach different labels to the concept ...
    • A hybrid MCDM approach for ranking suppliers by considering ethical factors 

      Azadfallah, Mohammad (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2016)
      One of the negative effects of cooperating with un-ethically behaving suppliers is that it may devastate the companies' credibility among employees, customers and the public. In this paper, a hybrid Multiple ...
    • Valta ja esimiestyö osuuskunnassa 

      Kesänen, Anni (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2016)
      This research study was done in 2008 as part of Master’s degree in Business. The research material was collected during spring and summer 2008. In addition to the earlier Master’s thesis research material, more recent ...
    • Stakeholder management: A theoretical analysis of the PMBOK® Guide 

      Sims, Randi L.; Kramer, Steven B. (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2015)
      Professional certification is an important part of many specialized occupations. For project managers, one certifying body is the Project Management Institute (PMI). To achieve their certification(s), project managers ...
    • The framing of moral foundations alters perceptions of ethical business practices 

      Jones, Daniel N. (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2015)
      Pressure to be both ethical and profitable can create conflicts. Morality is multi-faceted, and ethical perceptions of a company that chooses shareholder profits over avoiding community harm may depend on one’s ...
    • Effect of perceived organizational support on psychological capital - A study of IT industries in Indian framework 

      Sihag, Priyanka; Sarikwal, Lovy (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2015)
      In today's business environment, positive psychology and social exchange relationship have been attained great interest for research. Psychological Capital (PsyCap) is an individual's positive psychological state of ...
    • Avoin ongelmista - ongelma avoimuudesta? : arvonluonnin diskurssit integroiduissa raporteissa 

      Hänninen, Jaakko; Takala, Tuomo; Asunta, Laura (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2015)
      The aim of the research was to increase understanding of integrated reporting and further the understanding of the concept of value creation. The data used for the project came from an integrated report from 2012–2013 of ...
    • Trust in building high-performing teams : conceptual approach 

      Hakanen, Mila; Häkkinen, Mia; Soudunsaari, Aki (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2015)
      Team building is one of the key factors of success in business. This study highlights the key elements of building winning teams, where trust is one essential building block and top-level sports teams serve as ...
    • Is Training Effective? Evaluating Training Effectiveness in Call Centers 

      Rehmat, Waseem; Aaltio, Iiris; Agha, Mujtaba Hassan; Khan, Haroon Rafiq (Business and Organization Ethics Network (BON), 2015)
      Due to complex, competitive and crucial nature of call center jobs, organizations in services industry are spending more resources than ever on staff training and development. This is the case also in Call Center ...