Hydrobismuthation : Insertion of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons into the Heaviest Main Group Element Bond to Hydrogen
Mears, K. L., Nguyen, G.-A., Ruiz, B., Lehmann, A., Nelson, J., Fettinger, J. C., Tuononen, H. M., & Power, P. P. (2024). Hydrobismuthation : Insertion of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons into the Heaviest Main Group Element Bond to Hydrogen. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(1), 19-23. https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.3c06535
Julkaistu sarjassa
Journal of the American Chemical SocietyTekijät
Epäorgaaninen kemiaNanoscience CenterEpäorgaaninen ja analyyttinen kemiaInorganic ChemistryNanoscience CenterInorganic and Analytical ChemistryTekijänoikeudet
© 2024 the Authors
The bismuth hydride (2,6-Mes2H3C6)2BiH (1, Mes = 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl), which has a Bi–H 1H NMR spectroscopic signal at δ = 19.64 ppm, was reacted with phenylacetylene at 60 °C in toluene to yield [(2,6-Mes2C6H3)2BiC(Ph)=CH2] (2) after 15 min. Compound 2 was characterized by 1H, 13C NMR, and UV–vis spectroscopy, single crystal X-ray crystallography, and calculations employing density functional theory. Compound 2 is the first example of a hydrobismuthation addition product and displays Markovnikov regioselectivity. Computational methods indicated that it forms via a radical mechanism with an associated Gibbs energy of activation of 91 kJ mol–1 and a reaction energy of −90 kJ mol–1.
American Chemical Society (ACS)ISSN Hae Julkaisufoorumista
0002-7863Julkaisu tutkimustietojärjestelmässä
Näytä kaikki kuvailutiedotKokoelmat
Euroopan komissioRahoitusohjelmat(t)
ERC Consolidator Grant

The content of the publication reflects only the author’s view. The funder is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Lisätietoja rahoituksesta
United States National Science Foundation Grant Nos. CHE-2152760 and CHE-1531193. European Research Council, Horizon 2020 Programme Grant No. 772510.Lisenssi
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