Hybrid Work : Gen Z Expectations and Internal Employer Branding Implications
Yacine, L., & Karjaluoto, H. (2023). Hybrid Work : Gen Z Expectations and Internal Employer Branding Implications. In P. Madan, S. Tripathi, F. Khalique, & G. Puri (Eds.), Re-envisioning Organizations through Transformational Change : A Practitioners Guide to Work, Workforce, and Workplace (pp. 21-50). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003267751-3
Digital marketing and CommunicationDigitaalinen liiketoiminta ja talous (painoala)MarkkinointiHyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisöTyön ja johtamisen muuttuminen digitaalisessa ajassaDigital marketing and CommunicationDigital Business and Economy (focus area)MarketingSchool of WellbeingEmergent work in the digital eraTekijänoikeudet
© 2023 selection and editorial matter, Poornima Madan, Shruti Tripathi, Fehmina Khalique & Geetika Puri; individual chapters, the contributors
Gen Z – also known as ‘Generation Z’ or ‘iGeneration’ born between 1997 and 2009 – has been hit the hardest by the pandemic and remote work. Whilst the global workforce will include nearly 27% of Gen Z by 2025, it appears essential to address their needs and preferences. This chapter provides new Gen Z white-collar workers’ insights hitherto scarce in research – comparably to those of Gen Z students – to help understand how to motivate, engage, and develop them. In particular, Gen Z's values and expectations for hybrid work emerge from 15 qualitative online interviews leveraged to advance recommendations to enhance internal employer branding – that is branding intended for the organisation’s workforce – by co-creating the future of hybrid work. While most Gen Z people seem prone to switching jobs and organisations if dissatisfied with their professional situation, this study can help organisations re-envision, adapt, and refine their employee value proposition to ensure Gen Z workers’ wellbeing, engagement, satisfaction, retention, and further attraction.
RoutledgeEmojulkaisun ISBN
978-1-032-21308-8Kuuluu julkaisuun
Re-envisioning Organizations through Transformational Change : A Practitioners Guide to Work, Workforce, and WorkplaceAsiasanat
hybridityö työnantajabrändi Gen Z hybrid work internal employer branding employee value proposition employee well-being nuoret työntekijät tulevaisuus odotukset tyytyväisyys työhyvinvointi motivointi johtaminen sitoutuminen (toiminta) työpaikat arvot (käsitykset) työelämä z-sukupolvi työmotivaatio sitouttaminen työntekijät työnantajat brändit
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