Exploring the Normative Foundation of Journalism Education : Nordic Journalism Educators’ Conceptions of Future Journalism and Professional Qualifications
Jaakkola, M., & Uotila, P. (2022). Exploring the Normative Foundation of Journalism Education : Nordic Journalism Educators’ Conceptions of Future Journalism and Professional Qualifications. Journalism and media, 3(3), 436-452. https://doi.org/10.3390/journalmedia3030031
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Journalism and mediaDate
© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article deals with Nordic journalism educators’ conceptions of journalism by placing the concept of normativity at the center. The values, norms and ideas concerning journalism and journalistic practice have previously been studied by journalists and journalism students around the world and in the Nordics, while the Nordic journalism educators’ conceptions have remained more or less without attention. Nevertheless, journalism educators play a crucial role in defining what journalism is and what it is not, and thus largely affect future practitioners’ ideas of journalism. Using a questionnaire that has been employed in previous studies, journalism educators within the academic journalism training in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden (n = 115) were surveyed in terms of their conceptions. It was found that the journalism educators, of which 35 per cent had a doctoral degree, still largely subscribe to the ideas of the welfare state. In addition, the ideas of slow, investigative, constructive and solutions-based journalism have gained high popularity among the Nordic educators, which, we argue, dovetails well with the pedagogical aims of journalism education.
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