Who Dares to Wear Trousers? Adoption of a New Fashion by Finnish Women 1920–1980
Turunen, A. (2021). Who Dares to Wear Trousers? Adoption of a New Fashion by Finnish Women 1920–1980. Ethnologia Europaea, 51(2), 23-47. https://doi.org/10.16995/ee.1788
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Ethnologia EuropaeaAuthors
© Authors, 2021
Trousers have traditionally been men’s clothing that women have not been allowed to wear. In this article, I study the history of women’s wearing of trousers in the twentieth-century Finnish context by analysing women’s own memories and experiences of the trouser trend. My research material consists of written reminiscences, which I use, first, to reconstruct the social and cultural factors that framed women’s choices. Second, I approach their personal preferences and choices by analysing their narrative identities in the context of dress. My analysis shows that the cultural norms, conventions and expectations about a proper dress were crucial for adopting a new fashion trend. The most important factor in the choice of apparel was, however, the sensual, embodied experiences of wearing clothes.
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