Conceptualising Assessment and Learning in the CLIL Context. An Introduction
Leontjev, D., & deBoer, M. (2020). Conceptualising Assessment and Learning in the CLIL Context. An Introduction. In M. deBoer, & D. Leontjev (Eds.), Assessment and Learning in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Classrooms : Approaches and Conceptualisations (pp. 1-27). Springer International Publishing.
© 2020 Springer
Multiple CLIL writers (e.g. Ball et al. 2015) have emphasised the significant role of assessment in promoting learning in CLIL classrooms, where there is a dual focus on learning content and language (Genesee and Hamayan 2016). Because of this dual focus, the assessment process in CLIL becomes more complex. Assessment in CLIL should provide insights into learner content and linguistic knowledge as well as strategies used to learn both content and language in order to identify student progress and needs. This should inform both teachers and students about how to enhance learning. Despite excellent overviews, guidelines, and practical activities in CLIL assessment (Lin 2016; Mehisto and Ting 2017; Quartapelle 2012), teachers express concerns about adopting new assessment practices, principles, and techniques and are underusing the potential to support learning (deLuca and Bellara 2013; Hill 2017a; Tsagari and Vogt 2017).
Springer International PublishingParent publication ISBN
978-3-030-54127-9Is part of publication
Assessment and Learning in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Classrooms : Approaches and ConceptualisationsKeywords
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