Työyhteisön ja työn tuottavuuden kehitys organisaation transformaatiossa
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Jyväskylä Studies in Education, Psychology and Social ResearchTekijät
1996The approach used in this study was that of an action and case-study. It had two purposes: (1) to describe a transformation process in a processing industrial production plant, its different phases and support interventions, including this study, and (2) to conduct a longitudinal (4-years) study of the development of the work-community climate, of the job-related well-being of individuals and their job satisfaction, and changes in productivity of work, by investigating the connections between psychological work-community variables and the productivity of work. The design and theoretical framework of the transformation and research process were constructed by adapting the Planned Process Model (PPM) of Porras and Silvers (1991). Almost the entire physical production plant was renewed during the transformation. The production staff (N=88-150 at different times) were trained for new types of work while full-scale production and customer-service were maintained. About 50 people were employed on a temporary basis for maintaining production during the most intensive training period of the staff for the new production plant. During the transformation, the work-community climate, staff’s commitment to work and job-related well-being all improved. During the greatest external changes, the progress in all areas receded a little, but did not even approach the starting situation. After that the development of these variables was again positive. Throughout the transformation process productivity of work was higher than in the starting situation. The results of the multiple regression and correlation analysis showed that work-community variables were related to productivity, but that the relationship is reciprocal, it was a process moulded by the organizational context (change - stable phase). The explanation for the company surviving the change in such a positive way was believed to be found in the new type of management style and the interventions that were implemented among the staff. In the present transformation and research project people were seen not only as ‘valuable investments’, but as individuals living their own lives and realizing their calling in life. This change in the conception of human beings was used to explain the positive changes in the work climate, work satisfaction, job-related well-being and productivity of work.
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- Väitöskirjat [3599]
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