The role of guidance in student engagement with chemistry studies
Valto, P., & Nuora, P. (2019). The role of guidance in student engagement with chemistry studies. LUMAT, 7(1), 165-182.
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© Authors, 2019
During recent years, the Department of Chemistry at the University of Jyväskylä has made an extensive effort to support chemistry students’ first study year. The first-year curriculum includes enhanced study counselling course, intensive orientation course and support for academic study skills via a specific course. In this study, the effects of the revisions were studied by exploring the chemistry students study continuation and what factors contributed to it. In 2015 to 2017, data were collected from first-year chemistry students (n = 106), who completed a questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of their first semester. The results show that the percentage of dropout rates after the first year decreased. Students’ current challenges are different than they have been previously, thus putting new demands on their guidance. The results of the study indicate that students value guidance and study counselling especially at the beginning of their studies.
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