Zum Finnland-Bild in der deutschen Presse. Eine qualitative Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stereotype
The roots of Finnish-German relations in politics, trade, science and culture go
far back to the past. Even today, Germany's importance as Finland's most
important export and import partner provides the basis for regular news
coverage of the German political and economic occurrences in the Finnish media.
From the German point of view, however, the situation is different. Despite the
common past with Germany, Finland still carries the image of being a rather
unknown and distant northern country.
The purpose of my research was to find out what different stereotypes of
Finland are communicated to readers in the German press today and what kind
of image of Finland results from that. These stereotypes about Finland and the
Finns and their role as possible modifiers of the country image, were an essential
part of my study. The corpus consisted of 142 meticulously sorted newspaper
articles published between 2010-2017 in the six most widely distributed national
German quality newspapers.
My dissertation consists of seven chapters. After the introduction (Ch. 1), I
discuss stereotype research in general and its different disciplines in the theory
section (Ch. 2). In Chapter 3, “Finland’s presence in Germany,” I review the
common history of Finland and Germany. In addition to that I introduce, by way
of example, various sources of Finland information in German society. I describe
the Grounded Theory research method and my own methodological approach in
Chapter 4, after which, in Chapel 5, I present the research criteria and specific
characteristics of the corpus. As a result of the analysis section of my research
(Ch. 6), I identify a total of 29 topic clusters based on my data. In addition to the
variety of these topic clusters, also the positive writing about Finland in the
German media should be pointed out as a result of my study. Indeed, my
research has shown that Finland’s image in Germany is more diverse and
positive today than ever before.
Keywords: Finland’s image, country image, Finland-Germany, stereotypes, press,
Grounded Theory
Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
978-951-39-7842-6ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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- JYU Dissertations [852]
- Väitöskirjat [3578]
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