‘The Class of My Dreams’ as Envisioned by Student Teachers of English : What Is There to Teach about the Language?
Mäntylä, K., & Kalaja, P. (2019). ‘The Class of My Dreams’ as Envisioned by Student Teachers of English : What Is There to Teach about the Language?. In P. Kalaja, & S. Melo-Pfeifer (Eds.), Visualising Multilingual Lives : More Than Words (pp. 254-274). Multilingual Matters. https://doi.org/10.21832/9781788922616-018
© The Authors, 2019.
As part of a bigger project on the motivation of future EFL teachers, this chapter sets out to find
out what a group of student teachers (N = 67) in Finland thought teaching English would involve
once they had graduated from an MA programme and entered the profession a few years later.
They were asked to envision ‘An English class of my dreams’ as the final home assignment on
one of their first professionally oriented courses. The envisioning was done visually so the
students produced pictures (by a variety of means) and provided further details about the class
in writing, on the reverse side of the task sheet. The pool of multimodal data collected was
subjected to content analysis, and it revealed a total of five different aspects of the English
language the participants wished to teach. In addition, the comparison of three case studies
indicated that the amount of pedagogical studies and/or teaching experience made a difference
in the quality of the visions: with more years on our MA programme, the principles and practices
envisioned tended to become more complex/sophisticated.
Multilingual MattersParent publication ISBN
978-1-78892-260-9Is part of publication
Visualising Multilingual Lives : More Than WordsPublication in research information system
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