Beliefs about oral corrective feedback in an Argentinean EFL university classroom : their impact on a teacher’s classroom actions
Sánchez Centeno, A. & Ponce, S. (2019). Beliefs about oral corrective feedback in an Argentinean EFL university classroom : their impact on a teacher’s classroom actions. Apples : Journal of Applied Language Studies, 13 (3), 35-58. doi:10.17011/apples/urn.201907063591
Published in
Apples : Journal of Applied Language StudiesDate
© The authors, 2019
Beliefs about oral corrective feedback (OCF) are essential components in the EFL
classroom, especially when learning the speaking skill since teachers have to strike a
delicate balance between the provision of OCF without negatively affecting students’
emotions. During the last years, many scholars have devoted great attention to the
influence of affective factors in the learning of foreign languages. Among these
factors, beliefs held by teachers and students have proved to impact significantly on
the processes of teaching and learning a foreign language. The aims of this paper are:
to describe the beliefs held by an Argentinian EFL teacher about OCF and to describe
how her beliefs might shape this teacher’s classroom practices regarding the
provision of OCF at a specific context. A qualitative approach was adopted, and data
was collected by means of videotaped classroom observations, teacher stimulated
recall interviews and a semi-structured teacher interview. The results showed that
the teacher’s beliefs and her classroom actions were not always congruent, especially
when she was faced with an ambiguous situation. In the end, the beliefs that had
stronger connections to emotions were the ones enacted in her classroom practices.
Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of JyväskyläISSN Search the Publication Forum
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