Engaging with film characters : Empirical study on the reception of characters in The Hobbit films
Välisalo, T. (2017). Engaging with film characters : Empirical study on the reception of characters in The Hobbit films. Fafnir : Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research, 4(3-4), 12-30. http://journal.finfar.org/articles/1159.pdf
Nykykulttuurin tutkimusHyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisöContemporary CultureSchool of WellbeingCopyright
© 2017 Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research
Characters are important for the audience reception of films, but little
empirical research on actual audiences has been conducted on the topic of
character reception. Are characters important for all audiences, and if not, what are
the possible reasons and implications? How do audiences construct their
engagement with characters? I argue that in addition to elements in Murray Smith’s
classic model, structure of sympathy, other elements should be included when
studying character engagement. This article presents an empirical study on the
reception of characters using the Nordic responses (4,879 total) drawn from the
global audience survey on The Hobbit fantasy film trilogy (Jackson, An Unexpected
Journey; The Desolation of Smaug; The Battle of the Five Armies). Based on the
data, this study identifies two additional elements of character engagement. Firstly,
aided by Anne Jerslev’s model of emotions attached to fictional universes, the
making of fictional characters is recognized as an essential element of character
engagement, something audiences are drawn to. The second element is formed by
connections outside the story, such as other works of fiction, conventions of the
fantasy genre, and discussions and debates about the films. Including these
contextual elements results in a more comprehensive understanding of emotional
engagement with characters.
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