Streaming era digital media piracy : an integration of three theoretical perspectives
Consumer digital piracy in media contexts is one of the most publicized
adverse developments brought on by the Internet and digitization of data. Since
the turn of the millennium, it has irrevocably changed the business
environment for the creative industries. The sharp decrease of recorded music
sales, especially in the physical album format, is perhaps the best example of
the negative effects digital piracy. However, the growth of legal services in
digital music and video is balancing this trend, as consumers have found that
piracy is no longer the obvious solution to acquiring music and video content.
This also calls for new approaches to piracy research. We sought them by
integrating three theoretical perspectives relevant to the phenomenon:
neutralization theory, cognitive dissonance, and the theory of planned behavior.
The articles included in this dissertation utilize both qualitative and quan-
titative methods, and contain an extended framework of constructs related to
digital music and video piracy. The dissertation introduces the mechanism of
“dissonance-neutralization” of piracy, i.e., neutralizations tailored to weaken
the impact of piracy-induced negative emotions as a mode of dissonance reduction. The results suggest that quality perceptions about legal alternatives can
affect piracy neutralizations and attitudes toward piracy. Content remains the
most important success factor and differentiator for these services.
Based on the findings reported in the included studies, digital piracy can
be combated with communications targeted against commonly used neutralization techniques. However, there are limitations to what this can accomplish, as
many consumers continue to hold negative opinions about various industry
parties, despite the vast improvements in digital services since the early 2000s.
Fortunately, the younger consumer generation, or Generation Z, does not seem
so attached to these sentiments. In the future, they will for the large part determine the direction of developments. Piracy will remain as a significant factor in
the music, television and movie industries for the foreseeable future, but the
current trajectories of legal services seem more promising than earlier.
University of JyväskyläISBN
978-951-39-7348-3ISSN Search the Publication Forum
1456-5390Contains publications
- Artikkeli I: Riekkinen, J. & Frank L. 2014. Music Piracy Neutralization and the Youth of the 2010’s. In Proceedings of the 27th Bled eConference “eEcosystems”. Paper 6. Riekkinen_Frank.pdf.
- Artikkeli II: Riekkinen, J. 2016. Dissonance and Neutralization of Subscription Streaming Era Digital Music Piracy: An Initial Exploration. In Proceedings of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). Paper 251.
- Artikkeli III: Riekkinen, J., Makkonen, M., Salo, M. & Frank, L. 2018. Digital Music Piracy in the Subscription Era: An Extended Model from Cognitive Dissonance and Neutralization Perspectives. Unpublished manuscript; to be submitted.
- Artikkeli IV: Riekkinen, J. 2018. Piracy versus Netflix: Subscription Video on Demand Dissatisfaction as an Antecedent of Piracy. In Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Paper 451, pp. 3558-3567. DOI:
suunnitellun käyttäytymisen teoria kognitiivinen dissonanssi neutralisaatio cognitive dissonance consumer behavior digital content digital piracy digital music neutralization theory of planned behavior video on demand neutralizaton piratismi verkkopalvelut suoratoisto musiikkimarkkinat kuluttajat kuluttajakäyttäytyminen asenteet nuoret z-sukupolvi
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