The Hyperreal Gambler : On the Visual Construction of Men in Online Poker Ads
Jouhki, J. (2017). The Hyperreal Gambler : On the Visual Construction of Men in Online Poker Ads. Journal of Extreme Anthropology, 1(3), 83-101.
Published in
Journal of Extreme AnthropologyAuthors
© the Author, 2017. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License.
Online poker, like gambling in general, is predominantly a male activity. Thus, poker
ads most often depict men as their protagonists. According to Jean Baudrillard, advertising can
be seen as a ‘plebiscite whereby mass consumer society wages a perpetual campaign of selfendorsement.’
Ads often use stereotypical imagery for establishing a shared experience of
identification with the consumer, and since their role is to sell rather than to portray the realities
of life, they often have an exaggerated and monolithic – or, hyperreal – way of representing
gender. This article offers an analysis of the ways in which men are portrayed in the ads of Poker
Magazine Finland in the volume of 2009 (all six issues), at the peak of the so-called online poker
boom.Theoretically, the article draws on postmodern theorists such as Jean Baudrillard and
particularly on his concept of hyperreality (exaggerated and media-saturated reality) to analyze
the way males are portrayed in the ads in question.

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