Fixed and NOT free : Revisiting the order of the main clausal constituents in Finnish Sign Language from a corpus perspective
Jantunen, T. (2017). Fixed and NOT free : Revisiting the order of the main clausal constituents in Finnish Sign Language from a corpus perspective. SKY Journal of Linguistics, 30, 137-149.
Julkaistu sarjassa
SKY Journal of LinguisticsTekijät
© Jantunen & Suomen kielitieteellinen yhdistys, 2017.
2018:30 | 2019:28 | 2020:49 | 2021:30 | 2022:20 | 2023:48 | 2024:40 | 2025:10
This squib investigates the order of the main clausal constituents in verbal-centered
clauses in Finnish Sign Language (FinSL). With the help of the frequencies calculated
from narratives included in the recently compiled FinSL corpus, the study suggests that
the order of the main constituents in FinSL clauses is more fixed than has been claimed
in a previous study. With intransitive and transitive clauses with a Type 1 or Type 2
verbal predicate, the study shows that their internal structures strongly favor the orders
SV and AVP, respectively, although both S/A and P core arguments are often left
lexically unexpressed. Concerning Type 3 verbal predicates, the study shows that they
most typically form simple sentences on their own and that if they appear with any
additional nominal material, this material tends to precede the verbal.
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