Integrating Social Media Concepts as Tools in a Pedagogical Approach for a Technology-enhanced Learning Environment
Assaad, M., & Mäkelä, T. (2017). Integrating Social Media Concepts as Tools in a Pedagogical Approach for a Technology-enhanced Learning Environment. In K. Daimi, & S. Semenov (Eds.), AICT 2017 : The Thirteenth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (pp. 67-73). IARIA. Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications.
© IARIA, 2017. This is an open access article published by IARIA.
The use of social networking sites and social media
tools is on the rise, as the most common activity of today's youth.
Thus, leveraging social media concepts in learning can make
education more relatable to the youth in this digital era. This
paper identifies key current social media concepts, such as user
profiles, activity streams, and status updates, among others, and
analyses how they support pedagogical learning approaches,
with the progressive inquiry-based model used as an example.
The preliminary study serves as an introduction to a series of
future research and empirical studies on the integration of key
existing social media concepts and the development of novel
ones in a hybrid educational environment, called Science,
Technology, Innovation, Mathematics, Engineering for the
Young (STIMEY). The STIMEY environment will combine
social media components, robotic artefacts, and radio, and
connect students, educators, parents and organisations, based
on a pedagogical framework researched and developed to
increase the European youth’s interest and engagement in
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
education and careers.
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