Oppimisen teknologiat osana oppimisen esteitä kohtaavien peruskoululaisten elämää
Tieto- ja viestintäteknologia on merkittävä osa jokapäiväistä elämäämme. Nämä
teknologiat ovat löytäneet tiensä kouluihin myös Suomessa, ja erilaisia oppimisen
teknologioita onkin otettu ahkerasti käyttöön ympäri maata. Teknologian
integroiminen osaksi opetusta ei kuitenkaan aina suju täysin ongelmitta. Laitteiden
käytössä saattaa ilmetä ongelmia, ja vaikka infrastruktuuri teknologian
käytölle olisikin olemassa, ovat verkkoyhteydet paikoitellen epävakaita. Näiden
ongelmien kanssa painivat sekä opettajat että oppilaat. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena
on tutkia oppimisen teknologioiden vaikutuksia erityisesti oppimisen
esteitä kohtaavien oppilaiden oppimiseen. Oppimisen esteitä, kuten erilaisia
oppimisvaikeuksia kohtaa Suomessa yhä useampi peruskoululainen. Esteet
on otettu huomioon vuonna 2011 käyttöön otetulla kolmiportaisen opetuksen
tuen mallilla. Opiskelun tukea saavien lasten ja nuorten määrä kasvaa vuosittain
ja aihe onkin tästä syystä ajankohtainen ja edellyttää lisätutkimusta. Oppimisen
teknologioista on yleisellä tasolla olemassa kiitettävä määrä aikaisempaa
tutkimustietoa. Tarkkaa tutkimusta teknologioiden vaikutuksista nimenomaan
esteitä kohtaaviin oppilaisiin on tehty kuitenkin melko vähän etenkin Suomessa.
Oppimisen teknologioihin ja e-oppimiseen liittyvien tutkimusten tulokset ovat
usein varsin ristiriitaisia. Teknologian avulla on aikaan saatu huomattavia positiivisia
vaikutuksia oppimiselle, mutta myös haittapuolia löytyy. Tästä huolimatta
yleinen konsensus on, että hyvin suunniteltu, oikein toteutettu ja tehokkaasti
osaksi opetusta integroitu teknologia parantaa oppimistuloksia hyvin
suurella todennäköisyydellä. Oppimisen esteitä kohtaavien peruskoululaisten
tapauksessa positiivisia tuloksia on saatu etenkin lukemisen ongelmista, kuten
dysleksiasta kärsivien lasten ja nuorten kohdalla. Hyvien tulosten saavuttaminen
edellyttää opettajilta ja oppilailta uusien teknologioiden käytön sisäistämistä.
Oppilaiden tietotekniset taidot ovat useimmissa tapauksissa riittävät, mutta
opettajista moni kokee taitonsa vielä puutteellisiksi. Teknologian tehokas integraatio
osaksi laajempaa opetusta vaatiikin pelkän käytön opettelun lisäksi opettajankoulutuksen
muutosta sekä asenteellisia ja rakenteellisia yhteiskunnan
Information and communications technologies are an essential part of our daily lives. These technologies have found their ways also into education and they have been introduced to schools all around Finland. However, these technologies do not always work as expected. Network connections can be unstable and users face problems with both hardware and software. These problems are being tried to overcome by both teachers and students who are the main users of these learning technologies. In this thesis which has been implemented as a literature review, the goal has been to study the effects of learning technologies and e-learning especially from the perspective of students with different barriers of learning. In Finland, the number of students who receive support for their learning has been on a significant rise and that makes the subject very relevant. There are plenty of previous studies about learning technologies and the effects they have on learning in general. However not enough is known about the effects they have merely on students with learning barriers. Especially in Finland, there is very little research data to be found on this exact matter. Studies on learning technologies and e-learning show very contradictory results. With technology, the effects on learning can be both positive and negative. This shows that more research needs to be done to fully understand how to effectively use technology as a part of education. It can be agreed however that well planned, properly implemented and effectively integrated technology is very likely to enhance education. In the case of students with learning barriers positive results have been obtained especially with children with dyslexia. To achieve these types of good results both students and teachers need to be thought how to use different types of devices and software’s. On a larger scale changes need to be made in the teacher training process and both in attitudes against technology and structure of education.
Information and communications technologies are an essential part of our daily lives. These technologies have found their ways also into education and they have been introduced to schools all around Finland. However, these technologies do not always work as expected. Network connections can be unstable and users face problems with both hardware and software. These problems are being tried to overcome by both teachers and students who are the main users of these learning technologies. In this thesis which has been implemented as a literature review, the goal has been to study the effects of learning technologies and e-learning especially from the perspective of students with different barriers of learning. In Finland, the number of students who receive support for their learning has been on a significant rise and that makes the subject very relevant. There are plenty of previous studies about learning technologies and the effects they have on learning in general. However not enough is known about the effects they have merely on students with learning barriers. Especially in Finland, there is very little research data to be found on this exact matter. Studies on learning technologies and e-learning show very contradictory results. With technology, the effects on learning can be both positive and negative. This shows that more research needs to be done to fully understand how to effectively use technology as a part of education. It can be agreed however that well planned, properly implemented and effectively integrated technology is very likely to enhance education. In the case of students with learning barriers positive results have been obtained especially with children with dyslexia. To achieve these types of good results both students and teachers need to be thought how to use different types of devices and software’s. On a larger scale changes need to be made in the teacher training process and both in attitudes against technology and structure of education.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-201708153490Use this for linking