Validation and Extension of the Usability Heuristics for Mobile Map Applications
Kuparinen, L. (2016). Validation and Extension of the Usability Heuristics for Mobile Map Applications. In T. Bandrova, & M. Konecny (Eds.), ICC & GIS 2016 : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cartography & GIS (Vol. 1 and 2) (pp. 414-423). Bulgarian Cartographic Association.
© Kuparinen & Bulgarian Cartographic Association, 2016.
Heuristic usability evaluation is light but efficient method for finding usability problems. In this paper, we report the
process of validation and further development of the previously introduced usability heuristics for mobile map
applications. The validation began by testing the heuristics by 58 evaluators who used them for usability evaluation of
four different map applications. The evaluators also filled a questionnaire about the understandability of the heuristics.
The amount, severity and quality of the problems found with the heuristics were reviewed and the heuristics’
understandability analyzed. As a result, it was shown that the heuristics were efficient for finding usability problems
from mobile map applications. The analysis of the understandability pointed out the need to clarify the heuristics. On
the basis of the findings, the heuristics were further developed. The usability heuristics introduced in this paper are
supposed to be widely usable in the development of mobile map applications.
Bulgarian Cartographic AssociationConference
International Conference on Cartography and GISIs part of publication
ICC & GIS 2016 : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cartography & GIS (Vol. 1 and 2)ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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