Antisocial and Human Capital Pathways to Socioeconomic Exclusion: A 42-Year Prospective Study
Savolainen, J., Mason, W. A., Lyyra, A.-L., Pulkkinen, L., & Kokko, K. (2017). Antisocial and Human Capital Pathways to Socioeconomic Exclusion: A 42-Year Prospective Study. Developmental Psychology, 53(8), 1597-1609.
Published in
Developmental PsychologyDate
PsykologiaGerontologia ja kansanterveysGerontologian tutkimuskeskusHyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisöPsychologyGerontology and Public HealthGerontology Research CenterSchool of WellbeingCopyright
© American Psychological Association, 2017. This is a final draft version of an article whose final and definitive form has been published by APA. Published in this repository with the kind permission of the publisher.
Nordic welfare states have been very successful at reducing poverty and inequality among their
citizens. However, the presence of a strong social safety net in these countries has not solved the
problem of socioeconomic exclusion, manifesting in such outcomes as chronic unemployment
and welfare dependency. In an effort to understand this phenomenon, the current study builds on
the assumption that psychological risk factors emerge as important determinants of
socioeconomic disadvantage in an environment where ascribed characteristics have less impact
on educational and occupational attainment. Using data from Finland, this research examined a
life course model linking childhood differences in cognitive skills and antisocial propensity to
midlife socioeconomic exclusion. The Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social
Development (n = 369) follows individuals from age 8 (b. 1959) through age 50. Evidence from
a structural equation model found support for key theoretical predictions: (1) human capital and
antisocial pathways contributed independently to socioeconomic exclusion; (2) the effect of
childhood psychological factors on midlife socioeconomic exclusion was mediated by adolescent
and adult life course outcomes; and (3) the human capital and antisocial domains intersected
such that antisocial children struggled in school as adolescents, which contributed to their
persistence in crime and deviance in adulthood – a behavioral pattern that directly increased the
risk of socioeconomic exclusion in midlife. In short, the findings suggest that early emerging
differences in cognitive ability and antisociality set in motion a process of negative life outcomes
with enduring consequences for socioeconomic well-being. The results are discussed from the
perspective of socio-historical context and public policy.
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