Avoimen tiedon keskus: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 63
Gradut avoimiksi
(Jyväskylän yliopisto, Avoimen tiedon keskus, 2022) -
Science for everyone
(Universeum Network, 2022) -
Interlinked and integrated research support services
(UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2022) -
Establishing a Digital Repository
(2018)A short, non technical guide for establishing a digital repository. -
Using DSpace as backend service - Workflow-centric repository development in practice
(2019)We moved from a DSpace -centric development model to a workflow-centric model in order to speed up our repository development. In the workflow-centric model the starting point is not the workflows that the *system* can ... -
It takes the Entire University Community to Educate Students in Becoming Academics
(2018)Development of scientific thinking is considered an essential but challenging aim of academic studies. In practice, this challenge becomes evident when students begin preparing their theses. Therefore, proper guidance ... -
Avoimen tieteen viikko Liègen yliopistossa - mitä opittiin?
(Suomen Tieteellinen Kirjastoseura, 2017)Belgialainen Liègen (ULg) yliopistokirjasto järjesti jo kolmannen kerran Open access -aiheisen Erasmus-viikon korkeakouluhenkilöstölle. Ohjelma oli rakennettu niin Liègen yliopiston kirjaston asiantuntijoiden kuin ... -
A Service Model for Green Open Access in Finland – Why, What and How?
(2017)Presentation in the ILIDE 2017 conference in Jasná, Slovakia. Presentation focuses on describing the centralized service model of green open access and how the open access goals set by EU and the Finnish Open Science and ... -
Boosting for green open access Why, Who and How?
(2016)Presentation in Oulu OpenCon seminar, Oulu, 7.12.2016 -
Avoimen saatavuuden tunnuslukuja JY 2015 ja rinnakkaistallentamisen tilannekatsaus Suomessa
(2015)Katsaus tutkimusjulkaisujen avoimuuden kehittymiseen Jyväskylän yliopistossa 2015 -
The Finnish Open Science and Research Initiative and Development of Green Open Access in Finland
(2016)Presentation in Slovakian Open Government Week, Bratislava, 19.10.2016 -
Finnish National Guidelines for Open Science
(2016)Presentation in Introduction to Open Science seminar, Jyväskylä, 14.11.2016. -
JYU Library services related to open science
(2016)Presentation in Introduction to Open Science -seminar, Jyväskylä, 14.11.2016. -
Open Access -trendit ja rinnakkaistallentaminen Suomessa 2015
(2016)Esitelmä ATT-hankkeen strategiaryhmässä 28.4.2016