On the Conceptual History of the Term Lingua Franca
Brosch, C.(2015). On the Conceptual History of the Term Lingua Franca. Apples: journal of applied language studies, 9 (1), 71-85. Retrieved from http://apples.jyu.fi/ArticleFile/download/592
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Apples : Journal of Applied Language StudiesAuthors
© The Author(s)
This paper aims to give an outline of the development of the term “Lingua Franca”.
Initially the proper name of an extinct pidgin, to “Lingua Franca”, the term has
become a common noun, used with regard to language contact phenomena in
general – at first specifically for pidgins and trade languages, but now for all
vehicular languages. This broader usage is especially prominent in the field of
research known as “English as a lingua franca” (ELF). Using ELF as an example,
it is shown that the modern usage is partly inconsistent and can be misleading, as
it connects a positive feature of the original Lingua Franca, viz linguistic equality,
with a language with native speakers like English, which implies a totally different
distribution of power in communicative situations and economic resources in
language learning. Against the background of the etymological meaning of “lingua
franca” and the competing, less ambiguous term “vehicular language”, a new
classification system for interlingual contact is proposed. Within it it is argued
that “lingua franca communication” should be confined to contexts where no
native speakers of the vehicular language being used are involved – whenever the
presence or absence can be stated.
Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of JyväskyläISSN Search the Publication Forum
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