Customers' willingness to share personal information with firms and its relationship with customer loyalty
Information on customers plays an important role in customer relationship
management. With customer data companies can identify customers, understand their
needs and hence, personalize products and services. New technological advancements
have enabled companies to collect data more efficiently and have therefore resulted in
broader use of information. However, customers must be willing to provide information
needed in CRM. If trust has been built, they might provide information and engage in
mutual relationship. Even though customer’s willingness to provide information is an
important issue for companies, little research has been devoted to this phenomenon.
The objective of this research is to gain more insight of customer’s willingness to
share information by inspecting how the willingness affects the commonly used loyalty
metrics (share of wallet, recommend intention, repurchase intention) as well as
customer’s RFM value (recency, frequency and monetary value of purchases). This
study was conducted in cooperation with Osuuskauppa PeeÄssä and Kuopio’s Prisma
grocery store. A quantitative research method was used by conducting the electronic
survey in Kuopio’s Prisma’s Facebook –page as well as Osuuskauppa PeeÄssä’s
webpage. The data of 429 responses was analyzed by using SPSS statistics and PLS 3.0
The results of this study indicate that customer’s willingness to provide
information has a significant and positive effect on commonly used loyalty metrics;
customer’s repurchase intention, recommend intention and share of wallet. In addition
SOW positively affects customer’s repurchase and recommend intention and customer’s
RFM value. Also recommend intention has a positive effect on customer’s RFM value.
Finally, customer’s willingness to share information positively affects RFM value
indirectly via above mentioned loyalty metrics. The findings suggest that marketers
should increase customer’s willingness to share information as it, in fact, positively
affects the level of customer’s loyalty and value. Information should be used in a more
customer centric way where additional value is created to the customer.
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