Reconciliation of Pedagogical Objectives, Technical Opportunities and Stereotypes of Educational Application : Case Perioperative Nursing
Pirhonen, A., Koskelainen, T., & Silvennoinen, M. (2014). Reconciliation of Pedagogical Objectives, Technical Opportunities and Stereotypes of Educational Application : Case Perioperative Nursing. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2014 (pp. 1593-1602). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
© 2014 AACE.
In the design of educational applications, expertise in several fields is needed: pedagogy,
technology and interaction design, among others. Since the aim of an educational application is to
promote learning, there should be a clear hierarchy in the perspectives: pedagogical objectives
should be the primary perspective, while others play merely an instrumental role. However, it
appears that pedagogy is rarely seen as a separate area of expertise. Learning is considered a
mundane concept that most people understand. This setting may cause conflicts within a design
group. In this paper we present a typical case study, in which pedagogical expertise was
overlooked. The resulting application was primitive, in terms of actual learning objectives. Despite
this pedagogical failure, the members of the group who were not experts in pedagogy, found the
application appropriate for the intended educational use. In a concise user study, the participants
were astonishingly satisfied as well. We conclude that the halo around computer technology is still
so strong, that it easily overrides obvious flaws in design.
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)Konferenssi
World conference on e-learning in corporate, government, healthcare, and higher educationKuuluu julkaisuun
Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2014
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- Agora Center [77]
- Informaatioteknologian tiedekunta [2297]
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