Teachers’ views on differentiation in content and language integrated learning (CLIL): Perceptions, practices and challenges
Roiha, A. (2014). Teachers’ views on differentiation in content and language integrated learning (CLIL): Perceptions, practices and challenges. Language and education, 28(1), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/09500782.2012.748061
Published in
Language and educationAuthors
© Taylor & Francis. This is a final draft version of an article whose final and definitive form has been published by Taylor & Francis.
The present study investigates differentiation in Content and Language
Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Finland. Specifically, this combination of a
qualitative case study and quantitative survey examines (1) primary
teachers’ perceptions of differentiation, (2) the differentiation methods
specific to CLIL education the teachers use and (3) the challenges of
differentiation they identify. The qualitative phase was conducted in a
school which offers CLIL education also to pupils with special needs
following the principles of inclusive education. The results revealed that the
teachers (n = 51) perceived differentiation in somewhat different ways. In
general, the teachers differentiated their CLIL education in a fairly versatile
manner with various teaching arrangements and methods and focussed on
the differentiation of the language. In addition, the teachers’ perceptions of
differentiation correlated with the differentiation practices they used. The
greatest challenges of differentiation involved time, material and physical
classroom environment. The study indicates that teachers should be more
conscious of the nature of differentiation for it to be more purposeful and
systematic. Schools should critically re-examine their structures and for
instance co-teaching, class-size reduction or remedial teaching could be
used more effectively.
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