Now showing items 76-80 of 161

    • Tanskan huippu-urheilupsykologian tiimi hakee jatkuvuutta yhtenäisestä toimintafilosofiasta 

      Toivonen, Hanna-Mari (Liikuntatieteellinen seura, 2021)
    • Analysing students’rating of the SLP Digitally Competent Educators 

      Bastos, Glória; Cendon, Eva; Firat, Mehmet; Günes, Aysun; Hiltunen, Leena; Juutinen, Sanna; Kananen, Päivi; Uotinen, Virpi; Zarebski, Magda (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, 2021)
      This article uses student feedback to examine the perspective of participants in the short learning programme (SLP) pilot Digitally Competent Educators (DCE). This SLP was targeted at the continuous professional development ...
    • Using a blended approach to enrich MOOCs on Finnish education 

      Kananen, Päivi; Kiviniemi, Ari; Kytölä, Liisa; Nykopp, Minna (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, 2021)
      Blended education embraces various combinations of face-to-face and online teaching. It has become a normal part of higher education degree programmes. Since the late 1990s, the Open University of the University of Jyväskylä ...
    • Lessons learned from Creation of Digitally Competent Educators SLP 

      Bastos, G.; Cendon, E.; Firat, M.; Juutinen, Sanna; Kananen Päivi; Uotinen, Virpi; Zarebski, M. (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, 2021)
      [Introduction] Mismatch of competences and socio-economical results of this issue is recognized as an important problem for higher education institutes (HEIs) in Europe. To cope with this issue HEIs need to create new more ...
    • Report on collaborative SLPs and related mobility 

      Truyen, F.; Paklons, A.; Caeiro, S.; Curto, M.; Gmelch, N.; Romano, E.; Kananen, P.; Antonaci, A.; Henderikx, P.; Ubachs, G. (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, 2020)
      This report (D6.2) outlines the work carried in Work Package (WP) 6 of this project E-SLP, where 5 actual SLP pilots were designed, implemented and delivered to students. This report builds on the cooperation model described ...