Aineistot 71-75 / 161

    • Testing of Virtual Toolkit with Stakeholders 

      Mangiatordi, Andrea; Kananen, Päivi; Uotinen, Virpi (ONE Meeting Project; FernUniversität in Hagen, 2022)
      The collected data reported in this document gives mainly positive feedback on Virtual Toolkit (IO2), highlighting some interesting and relevant elements that can be further developed in its final release. The group of ...
    • The ONE Meeting Project : Virtual Toolkit 

      Uotinen, Virpi; Kananen, Päivi; Hamill, Canice; Kelly, K. (ONE Meeting Project; FernUniversität in Hagen, 2022)
      The Virtual Toolkit presents a selection of usable virtual tools for project staff within EU projects. The target group of this project being higher education professionals who work in cross-national projects in management, ...
    • Health Education Teachers’ Assessment Conceptions and Practices : Identifying Assessment Profiles 

      Paakkari, Olli; Paakkari, Leena; Haapala, Henna; Hirvensalo, Mirja (Routledge, 2022)
      The study explored the latent construct underlying the assessment conceptions and practices of Finnish Health Education teachers (n = 165) in the context of curricula, seeking thereby to identify the teachers’ assessment ...
    • Muistisairaat ja heidän omaishoitajansa kokevat olevansa heitteillä: ”Apu on riittämätöntä” 

      Van Aerschot, Lina; Aaltonen, Mari; Eskola, Päivi (Toinen Aatos Oy, 2021)
      Muistisairaat kärsivät avun riittämättömyydestä enemmän kuin muut ikääntyneet. Vaaravyöhykkeessä ovat myös omaishoitajat, jotka paikkaavat heikkoja julkisia palveluita omalla venymisellään. Myös henkisestä tuesta on kova ...
    • Readers’ Theater Projects for Special Education : A Randomized Controlled Study 

      Hautala, Jarkko; Ronimus, Miia; Junttila, Enni (Routledge, 2023)
      A randomized controlled trial was conducted to study the effectiveness of two readers’ theater (RT) programs in promoting reading skills and motivation of dysfluent readers in Grades 3–4. One program (RT Goal) included a ...