Teacher educators' workplace learning : the interdependency between individual agency and social context
Hökkä, P., Rasku-Puttonen, H., & Eteläpelto, A. (2008). Teacher educators’ workplace learning: the interdependency between individual agency and social context. In S. Billett, C. Harteis, and A. Eteläpelto (Eds.) Emerging perspectives in workplace learning. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Published in
Emerging perspectives in workplace learning/edited by S. Billett, C. Harteis, and A. EteläpeltoDate
© 2008 Sense Publishers
In order to promote collaboration among teacher-students it is essential that teacher educators themselves can collaborate and learn through participation in work organisation communities. Yet we do have quite limited understanding of teacher education organisations and how they promote collaboration and thus workplace learning among teacher educators. In this chapter our aim is to examine the interdependency between social context of teacher education department and individual agency of educators in order to get a better understanding of teacher educators' workplace learning. We ask how educators can practice their professional identity and agency and how to characterise the interdependency between social context and individual agency. We sought answers by interviewing eight Finnish teacher educators and analysed the interview data in accordance with data-driven qualitative approach. Findings suggest that social context in this organisation affords teacher educators many possibilities to practice their agency by developing their own practices and teaching. However, social context does not enhance boundary crossing between communities of practice and impedes collaboration of educators. Hence, this may prevent educators' workplace learning and also organisational development of the teacher education department.

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