Languages as objects of learning: language learning as a case of multilingualism
Dufva, H., Suni, M., Aro, M. & Salo, O-P. (2011). Languages as objects of learning:
language learning as a case of multilingualism. Apples – Journal of Applied Language Studies
Vol. 5, 1, p. 109–124
Published in
Apples : Journal of Applied Language StudiesDate
© The Author(s)
This paper considers multilingualism from the point of view of language learning
and teaching. We discuss the ‘monological’ thinking in linguistics and in the
research of language learning and teaching and argue that the monological stand,
more often than not, also embeds a monolingual bias. As an alternative to
monologism, we discuss dialogical notion of language and argue that this
inherently involves a multilingual stand.
Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of JyväskyläISSN Search the Publication Forum
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