Expanding selves : an insider’s exploration of learner identity in second or other language learning
2018Identity is at the core of all human experience, and that is no different for teaching and learning experiences in second or other language learning classrooms. Yet the task of defining learner identity within these contexts has been subject to much debate, nested in the greater dichotomous landscape of linguistic and sociocultural schools of thought. Nonetheless, with the increasing trends in global migration and international students in higher education, there is an urgent need to define learner identity within these contexts to better support teaching and learning practices and experiences. Understanding learner identity also has further reaching implications for researchers, language and educational institutions, and the broader community in which these individuals reside outside of the language classroom.
Using a Bakhtinian dialogic theoretical framework, this study explores the emic perspectives of learners on self-identity in an English as a second or other language classroom, in a study abroad context in Australia. Through the dialogic interactions of the participants, the findings from this study suggest that learner identity is more complex than often described, composed of both linguistic and sociocultural views on learner identity. Furthermore, from the perspectives of learners, this study also suggests that the language-learner identity is only one part of a larger self-identity. Rather, individuals in language classrooms assume different positions, in addition to the language- learner role. As a result of these findings, recommendations for broader and more integrated approaches in research, teaching and institutional practices, and learning are made.
learner identity self-identity second language acquisition language use or socialisation Bakhtinian dialogic theory multidimensionality multi-positioning identiteetti dialogisuus toinen kieli kielen omaksuminen dialoginen analyysi identity (mental objects) dialogicality second language language acquisition dialogical analysis
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