Latent profiles of dyadic parent–child interaction and associations with triadic family interaction in early childhood
Lindstedt, J., Ahlqvist‐Björkroth, S., Junttila, N., & Korja, R. (2024). Latent profiles of dyadic parent–child interaction and associations with triadic family interaction in early childhood. Family Relations, Early View.
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Family RelationsDate
© 2024 the Authors
This longitudinal study examined latent profiles of parent–child interaction and their associations with triadic family interaction.
A child's development is significantly influenced by early family relationships. Family systems theory emphasizes the interrelations between family subsystems, such as parent–child and parent–parent relationships, as well as the family as a whole. However, few studies have examined the relationship between each parent–child dyad and triadic family interaction.
Fathers and mothers were separately videotaped interacting with their child (n = 120) at 4 and 18 months and assessed using the Parent–Child Early Relational Assessment. Triadic family interaction was evaluated at 18 months using the Family Alliance Assessment Scale within a Lausanne Trilogue Play setting.
Four latent profiles of parent–child interaction were identified. Dyadic interaction that was characterized by reciprocity, positive affect, and low negativity was associated with higher family coordination. However, interaction characterized by a lack of reciprocity, negativity, and dyadic tension was related to less coordinated triadic family interaction.
Well-functioning parent–child interaction contributes to higher-quality triadic family interaction. In contrast, challenges in early father–child interaction, including emotional distance, a lack of positive paternal involvement, and limited mutual engagement, are linked to lower-quality triadic family interaction.
This study highlights the importance of supporting early parent–child relationships to promote well-functioning and coordinated triadic family interaction, and the inclusion of fathers in interventions aiming to improve family dynamics.

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