Individuals, Representatives, and Racers : Instagram Images of F1 and F1 Esports Series Drivers
Malinen, V. (2024). Individuals, Representatives, and Racers : Instagram Images of F1 and F1 Esports Series Drivers. International Journal of Esports.
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International Journal of EsportsAuthors
© 2024 the Authors
The aims of this article are to deepen the understanding of how traditional motorsports and esports stars’ images are represented and maintained in the form of individual social media content and how they compare with one another. This is to better understand the images of and variation between stars in Formula One (F1) and the F1 Esports Series as the synergy between these series continues to grow.
The methods used were critical discourse analysis and close reading. The theorical frameworks featured Kellner’s critical cultural theory and Richard Dyer and Christine Geraghty’s star theories regarding Western societies.
The results showed a clear difference in the volume, quality, and variety of content and discourses between F1 drivers and F1 esports drivers. Furthermore, the lack of team presence was apparent within esports stars’ posts, underlining the fewer production forces and stakeholders behind the industry, signifying that esports stars have less socio-cultural echo than F1’s. Sim racers also had less stardom variation, but their fans likely congregate on other media platforms.
It appears that much of F1 esports stars’ power derives from the real-life racing teams that provide the resources to create and maintain stardom regardless of that individual star’s characteristics. Stakeholders seem to regard esports as less worthy to invest in, viewing the industry as more of a superfluity for brand image and visibility than a necessity. This subject requires further examination in the near future by including other media and continued scrutiny to determine if these series driver’s images grow more equivalent.
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