CLIL students’ production of cognitive discourse functions : comparing Finnish and Spanish contexts
Llinares, A., & Nikula, T. (2023). CLIL students’ production of cognitive discourse functions : comparing Finnish and Spanish contexts. Language and Education, Early online.
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Language and EducationDate
Soveltava kielentutkimusMonilukutaito oppimisessa ja yhteiskunnallisessa osallisuudessaHyvinvoinnin tutkimuksen yhteisöApplied language studiesMultiliteracies for social participation and in learning across the life spanSchool of WellbeingCopyright
© 2023 informa uK Limited, trading as taylor & Francis group
This article presents findings from an empirical study in which we investigated Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) students’ linguistic resources in the L2 (English) to convey different Cognitive Discourse Functions (Dalton-Puffer 2013; Citation2016)—Describe, Compare (Categorize), Report, Evaluate and Explore—in two different contexts. The participants were primary school students (grade 6) participating in CLIL programs in Finland and Spain. To allow comparison, two sets of data were obtained by asking the students to write in response to a similar prompt in the area of social science (History in the Spanish context and Geography in the Finnish context). We compared the frequency of the Cognitive Discourse Functions (CDFs) produced, and the fluency and complexity of students’ realizations of CDFs, using tools of Systemic Functional Linguistics. The results reveal similarities across contexts in the frequency and extension of some of the CDFs produced, and differences in terms of CDF complexity, measured in students’ use of clause complexes, Appraisal resources and complex nominal groups to express different CDFs.

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Additional information about funding
This study was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain). Ref: FFI2014-55590-R.License
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