Researching trauma experiences with incarcerated women
Jutila, E., Törölä, M., & Karttunen, T. (2023). Researching trauma experiences with incarcerated women. In Eurocrim 2023 : 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology. European Society of Criminology.
© 2023 the Authors
Background: It is acknowledged that women with criminal backgrounds have a high degree of traumatic experiences.
Traumatic experiences are usually entwined with the pathways of women coming to the attention of the criminal justice system. These experiences may for example push forward or maintain girls’ or women’s abusive substance behaviour.
Our main research question is: What kind of trauma experiences women with criminal backgrounds have and how could the service system respond to them better?
RITA -project is funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (Finland).
The aim of this study: is to explore traumatic experiences of women with criminal backgrounds and their experiences using social and health care services. We aim to develop a specific service model for women to be released from prison in two areas in Finland. Our goal is to spread trauma-informed knowledge in the service field when working with women with criminal backgrounds.
Methodology: We are currently conducting a survey based on the Traumatic Antecedents Questionnaire (TAQ) and individual interviews for women serving their sentences in three prison units in Finland. Next, we will analyze and map out women's service needs based on the information gathered from the survey and interviews. This research project is the first extensive study about the experiences of women with criminal backgrounds in Finland and it also produces results on an international level.
Results: This poster presents the preliminary results of the survey and interviews.
European Society of CriminologyConference
Annual Conference of the European Society of CriminologyIs part of publication
Eurocrim 2023 : 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of CriminologyKeywords
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